7475 Henry Clay Blvd
Syracuse, NY 13220
600 Brighton St
Bethlehem, PA 18015
346 Bethel Church Rd
Mocksville, NC 27028
19 Business Park Dr.
Smithfield, RI 02917
1315 Goldsboro Rd.
Barclay, MD 21607
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Reeb Finish
1Q2016 Page 1
List Price
Reeb® Finish Stain featuring PrismaGuard
by Therma-Tru®:
An all-new staining system for
fiberglass doors that produces a uniquely realis:c and durable finish. Skilled Reeb Finish
cra@smen hand-‐brush each component of the door to enhance its deep embossments and
authen:c grain paAerns. A dual top-‐coat highlights fine details and ensures unrivaled endurance
and protec:on from the elements.
Reeb Finish Paint:
A versa:le new color paleAe featuring elegant, modern hues and bold, rus:c
tones providing unprecedented op:ons to achieve the look you desire. This new offering boasts
more vibrant, truer-‐to-‐life colors that give the finished product addi:onal depth and resistance
to fading. For a complete entryway solu:on, several color op:ons match Reeb’s door
All finishes on fiberglass doors are backed by a 10 year limited warranty and Reeb’s unmatched
reputa:on for quality and customer service. Visit reeb.com/warran:es/ for complete warranty
Ordering considera:ons: Finished frames must be On-‐Guard™ or solid wood. Finger-‐jointed
components not made by Therma-‐Tru are not available for factory finishing.
Split door finishes:
Inswing: The hinge s:le edge will be the exterior color, lock s:le edge will be the
interior color.
Outswing: The hinge s:le edge will be the interior color, lock s:le edge will be the
exterior color.
Split frame finishes are split at the weather strip kerf on the frame; the color transi:on is
behind the weather strip.
Transom sills for shop-‐built direct-‐set transoms will use either a solid wood or composite sill
at Reeb’s op:on.
Doors specified to be finished “one side only” are subject to the following: Failure to
properly finish the unfinished por:on of the door immediately a@er installa:on (or as soon
as condi:ons permit) will void the Reeb Finish and PrismaGuard warran:es and the
Manufacturer’s door warranty.
Prices Effective 04/18/2016 to 07/10/2016