Policy #AR0001 Rev 111014
Date: November 10, 2014
How the Claim and Field Service Will be Handled:
After REEB has the necessary information, a REEB Territory Sales Manager (TSM) will determine if an
inspection is necessary. Usually REEB’s TSM will make contact the end-user/consumer within 48
hours to schedule an inspection, usually within 7 days of the TSM getting all of the information.
If the REEB TSM determines that the concern is covered by the applicable warranty or this Field
Service Policy, REEB will provide repair or replacement of the defective components as required by the
applicable warranty. Please note that most manufacturers’ warranties provide no compensation for
labor, finishing, or re-fitting replacement products.
If the REEB TSM determines that the problem is a result of an assembly defect by REEB, and the length
of time from original shipment from REEB to the dealer was within one (1) year of the end-
user/consumer’s claim, REEB may, at its discretion, provide the necessary repair or replacement of
components through a REEB Service Technician or other REEB-authorized personnel at no charge to
REEB shall not be obligated to perform any work outside the scope of the applicable warranty, or for
problems not caused by product or assembly failure by REEB. If the REEB Service Technician or other
REEB-authorized personnel determines the problem is not a result of a warranty-covered issue or REEB
assembly defect, then REEB may offer, at its discretion, to perform the work for the end-user/consumer
for a fee/charge on terms described in a separate fee schedule and agreement.
December 2014
Prices Effective 04/18/2016 to 07/10/2016