7475 Henry Clay Blvd
Syracuse, NY 13220
600 Brighton St
Bethlehem, PA 18015
346 Bethel Church Rd
Mocksville, NC 27028
19 Business Park Dr.
Smithfield, RI 02917
1315 Goldsboro Rd.
Barclay, MD 21607
Visit our online catalog at
For Customer Service,
2G Help Desk - 866-800-8228
Ordering, Or Questions call:
Direct Extensions / Voicemail - 1-800-862-8622
Sales: 800-523-9305
(NY, NJ, CT)
Quote Dept. Fax - 1-800-797-7332 (Quotes Only)
Sales: 800-322-9078
Quote email:
Sales Fax: 800-772-7332
Office: 610-867-6160
Order email:
V.P. Sales & Marketing
President, COO
Customer Service Mgr.
Gregg Hoyer
Dan Schaffer
Steve Holecz
Sales Manager
Customer Service Reps (CSR)
#1475 Greg Peich
Scott Kerr
#1295 Jason Robbins - Supervisor
#1321 Steve Wohlbruck
#1357 Beth Ferretti
Territory Sales Manager
#1314 David Hillman
#1232 Diane McClellan
(Voice Mail Only)
Vice Pres. - Operations
#1252 Josh ZeRuth
#1460 Bill Emes
#1315 John Hanson
#1389 Karen Simeone
#1427 Bob Evans
Operations Manager
#1230 Kathy Flamisch
#1414 Chuck O'Neill
Thomas Parkman
#1280 Kevin Craig
#1401 Dan Shuey
Dir. Of Customer Service
#1358 Lisa Raymond
#6597 Dave Bitso
#1424 Mike Lippincott
#1359 Marie Church
#1402 Glenn Ryan
Production Manager
#1274 MaryAnn McConnell
#1459 John Lowe
Mike Flores
#1328 Maureen Forsthoffer
#1468 Michael Glauber
Quoting Group
#1356 Michelle Sassi
#1344 Ryan Apgar
#1231 Barry McManus-Supervisor
#1233 Mike Shannon
#1474 Tom Migliorisi
#1319 Chuck Miles
#1203 Nicole Twerdok
#1467 Tom Pisaneschi
#1348 Dave Rannels
#1218 Patti Ream
#1491 Tom Woisin
#6536 David Troutman
#1352 Rich Rindone
#1462 Anthony Lobasso-
Market Support
#1222 Jim Gower
#1260 Rich Sarik
Bryan Weeks
Market Support
#1322 Keith Apgar
#1285 Rick Bitler
Stephen Gerard-
Market Support
#1349 Kevin Ceci
#1227 Tony Mastropieri
Sr. Manager of Interactive Media
#1263 Lynda Willis
National Accounts Sales Mgr.
& Marketing Communications
#1216 Mike Zeitner
#1475 Josh Ruhle
#1340 Paul Ciccone
#1234 Rick Feliciano
National Account Reps
Marketing Co-ordinator
#6529 Roger Lamontagne
Anthony Capuano - NA
Nicki Hildebrant
#1330 Tim Mordaunt
#3515 Graham Hannum - NA
Corp. Marketing Manager
#6541 Todd Spindler
#3205 Mark Barrentine - NA
Nell Flowers
#1288 Michael Benedetti
#1371 Mark Rutkowski - NA
Credit Mgr & National Accounts
Project Quoting Group
National Account CSRs
#1242 Mary Harte
#1463 Brian Young
#1299 Chuck Volkert-Supervisor
Credit Department
#1213 Chris Keller
#1274 Amanda Webster
#1709 Jerry Armijo
#1320 Mitchell Fleming
#1255 Christopher McFarland
Service Department
Commercial Quoting Group
#1284 Holly Stackhouse
#3291 Sally Coursey - Supervisor
#6533 Allan Sweetser -
Product Manager
#1428 Jessica Watts
#1229 Mark Iobst - Coordinator
#6532 Diane O'Brien
#1317 Kimberly Court
#3225 Stephanie Scudder - Coordinator
2G Orders
#1249 Laura Stickley
#3122 Karen Berg -Clerk
Help Line
#1268 Taylor Strini
National Account Quoting Group
#1243 Andy Jordan
#1273 Earl Cumberland
#1283 Kevin Arnold
#1302 Mark Hotchkiss
National Accounts phone: 1-888- 321-7332 Fax: 1-877-850-1148
National Account email orders:
National Account email quotes:
Prices Effective 04/18/2016 to 07/10/2016