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Please Note
The Millwork distributed by Reeb Millwork Corp. is of good material and workmanship, free from defects,
which render it unserviceable for the use for which it has been manufactured. Natural variations in the color
or texture of the wood, either before or after it has been water-repellant preservative treated, where appropri-
ate, are not considered defects. The high quality of our products is safeguarded while in our possession. Our
products must be given the same careful treatment by others. They must be properly handled and protected at
all times. They must be stored and installed only in dry buildings and never in damp, moist or freshly plastered
areas. They must not be subjected to abnormal heat, dryness or humidity for prolonged periods. They must
be correctly fitted and installed. They must be properly finished and top and bottom edges of doors must be
thoroughly painted, varnished, or otherwise sealed to prevent undue absorption of moisture. We will not be
responsible for defects resulting from neglect of these precautions.
Returned Materials
Permission must be obtained from our office for any material to be returned. Order or invoice number and date
must be furnished before returns can be authorized. Credit will be allowed at the invoice price less the current
handling charge. STOCK MATERIAL ONLY will be accepted when returned in good, salable condition, all
cartons intact, within 30 days from date of shipment. Set-up units or Special Millwork of another description
No claims for shortages, damage or error in shipment will be allowed unless reported within 5 days after receipt
of goods. No claims for service work performed by others will be allowed unless specifically authorized by us
in advance.
Terms of Sale
Warehouse shipments: 1% Discount on net amount of invoice after deducting freight if paid not later than the
10th of the month following date of shipment or net 25 days after the first of the month following shipment.
(Shipments through the Month-End are discountable the 10th of the following month and due net on the 25th
of that month).
Direct Factory Shipments: The cash discount on direct factory shipments will be 1% if paid in full within 15
days after date of invoice (invoice date will be the same as the date of shipment). All direct shipments not dis-
counted will be due net 25 days after date of invoice, i.e., ship date.
Service Charge: A 1-1/2% service charge will be charged on all past due account balances. Past Due Accounts
do not qualify for volume discounts.
Prices Effective 04/18/2016 to 07/10/2016